
NOTE TO SHOPPERS!  You do not need to buy any books to begin a piano student. Please read the post “Where do you Start with a Beginner Piano Student.” Only after the student has mastered the Preliminary Lessons, will they begin the use of any books available in the shop.  You can teach them yourself using written instructions or use the student videos.

Please understand I did not pen this method. This method is entirely the work of Mrs. Curwen. I am simply doing my best to make her work accessible to a culture that, in general, was not brought up playing piano.  Click here to read more about this journey of tracking down her books and creating reprints.

We will continue adding Mrs. Curwen’s lesson books to the shop. All of the books referenced in the Teacher’s Guide up through “3rd Step” are now available. There are no books required to teach the Preliminary Lessons.

If you are teaching the lessons yourself, Mrs. Curwen reminds us that “this method cannot be effectively used without the teacher’s guide.” It explains step by step on how to teach each of Mrs. Curwen’s lessons.

Click on each image below to read a detailed description of each item and to see more images. You can also click below to filter the books by which “Step” your child is in. Many of the books are used for multiple steps.

1st Step Books
2nd Step Books
3rd Step Books
Teacher’s Guide


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