1st Step, Part 1

How to teach Mrs. Curwen's piano method.

Mrs. Curwen has 1st Step broken apart into four separate Lessons. Each ‘Lesson,’ though, will likely take a child multiple weeks to complete. I would assume most 8 or 9 year olds would finish 1st Step in one semester or approximately four to five months.

Instead of using the word lesson, I’m choosing to use the word Part. (Since the word lesson may imply that these requirements can all be completed in one sitting.)

There are four parts of requirements for 1st Step. This page details Part 1 only.

Which piano books are needed for 1st Step, Part 1?

You will need one book to complete the below requirements. I sell reprints of Mrs. Curwen’s books in my shop. You may choose to find and buy them elsewhere, but page numbers and duets may differ because of the varying editions published.

1st Step book (Kinross)

FYI – for 1st Step, Parts 2, 3 & 4, your student will also need these three books: Interval Exercises1st Solo Album and 1st Reading Exercises.

Do we need to move through the videos in their order of presentation below?

In short, no, you may jump around here and there. Some things may make a bit more sense if done in the order of the videos, but going out of order shouldn’t cause immense confusion.

Are there any supplemental books I recommend for students working through Step 1?

Yes! I do use other books with my students. I do not follow the methods in the other books, but I appreciate some of the music written for the children to play. Mrs. Curwen wisely moves very gradually with her method. For example, a beginner student is only playing in intervals of seconds using her method. Giving a child a non-Curwen book will mean the child may struggle playing varying intervals no matter how simple the song. Use good judgment as to when to present a child with supplemental material outside Mrs. Curwen’s method.

Your child may not be ready for any of these books yet if just starting these Part 1 lessons below.

I have a post here describing and linking to the supplemental books I use with my current students. These books would be applicable for 1st Step, Parts 1 through 4.

Will all the lessons contain this much review material?

No, for many of the videos listed below, I reviewed lots before diving into what I expected of the student. Part 2 will contain very little review material. As a result, the videos will likely be half as long as these. I apologize if the reviewing grows weary for some students. I review the material in an attempt to facilitate learning for a broad range of students.

How fast should my child / student be moving through 1st Step?

This is going to vary per each student. I would suggest making it a goal to complete four or five videos a week. Alongside the videos, the child should be working on Finger Exercises or Reading Exercises or duets every day.

When will my child begin sounding like a fluent pianist?

I’ve had about two years of experience using Mrs. Curwen’s method at this point. Usually around the end of 1st Step and the beginning of 2nd Step, I being hearing fluency and musicality. This is obviously a VERY general answer so please use judgement when applying this to your child.

Requirements for 1st Step, Part 1.

Using Mrs. Curwen’s Teacher’s Guide, below is a numbered list of all facets required for 1st Step, Part 1. Click the links below to access each short video. A few notes to teachers and recommended homework are included with each.

Some of the numbered items do not yet have links/videos.  All will be posted by Spring 2020.

  1. Finger Exercise 1
  2. Locality and Naming of Notes. Treble Clef
  3. Locality and Naming of Notes. Bass Clef
  4. Note Naming Dictation
  5. Finger Exercise 2
  6. Reading by Interval. Treble Clef
  7. Reading by Interval. Bass Clef
  8. Duet. Page 13, #1
  9. Duet. Page 13, #2
  10. Ear Training – Coming Soon!
  11. Exercise in Time. Part A
  12. Exercise in Time. Part B
  13. Finger Exercise 3
  14. Time Dictation
  15. Time & Interval Combined. Part A
  16. Time & Interval Combined. Part B
  17. Reading Exercise 1
  18. Finger Exercise 4
  19. Duet. Page 14, #3. Melody
  20. Duet Page 15, #4. Waltz Part 1
  21. Duet Page 15, #4. Waltz Part 2
  22. Unbarred Sentence. Page 12, #1
  23. Finger Exercise 5