The Hymn: ‘For the Children’s Sake’ by Essex Cholmondeley

Hello to all of you who learned this hymn together at the November 2020 conference in central Illinois! This hymn carries words of immense encouragement for the mother. Enjoy using these recordings or downloading the music to play for yourself.

Here is a recording in the key of F. Click Here to Download the music or use the player to listen below.

Here is a recording in the key of G. Click Here to Download the music or use the player to listen below.

For the Children’s Sake
For their sakes I sanctify myself – Joh 17:19

Essex Cholmondeley, 1933

Ye who for the truth contending
love the path which Jesus trod,
Help the children who are wending
that same way to worship God.
Wake! Awake!
Keep the road for the children’s sake!

On through wilderness or garden,
Blackest night or fairest day,
Casting out the cares which harden,
Tread the path, prepare the way,
Courage take!
Faithful be! For the children’s sake.

Cultivate the desert places,
Plough sand so the fallow ground,
Plant with joy the barren spaces
Which in every realm abound.
Wake! Awake!
Labour now! For the children’s sake.

Seek not ease, and love not leisure,
Give to Caesar all his due,
Lay not up the earthly treasure,
Other gold they need of you.
All forsake!
Follow Christ – For the children’s sake.

You who see the acorn lying
Humbly in the cool spring earth
Learn to share its patient dying,
Learn to wait its glorious birth.
Sleep – to wake!
Lose yourselves for the children’s sake.

In the precious months of training,
In the patient years of toil,
When at length you re attaining
Master of air and soi.
God’s hand take,
Hold it fast, for the children’s sake.

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